Keeping track of the latest leaks of this model, the battery capacity and screen technology of the Huawei P20 Plus are now known. In order to continue its expansion and a strong commitment to the smartphone market, the well-known Chinese smartphone manufacturer, Huawei is already preparing to launch a new batch of devices. As usual, the start of the year marks the launch of the new P-series models, and 2019 will be no exception. With a presentation scheduled for March 17, at an event in Paris, the Chinese brand will strengthen its high-end device with the Huawei P20 and P20 Plus and the mid-range with the Huawei P20 Lite. Although there is still some time to officially know these devices, the truth is that in recent times much information has already circulated. After knowing the look and some features of these models, a few more information about the P20 Plus has now been made public. According to a leak shared by FunkyHuawei, the new Huawei P20 Plus will come with a 4000 mAh battery and always on display feature, while the P20 will be “only” at 3320 mAh. In addition to the battery capacity, an APK responsible for Always On technology was also discovered, which could mean that one of the models presented may come with an AMOLED screen, just like the Huawei Mate 10 Pro. These new data thus join to what was already known of this model, with less and less to discover. The Huawei P20 will bring the new Huawei SoC, the Kirin 970 and a triple rear camera developed in conjunction with Leica. At the design level, it should have a notch like the iPhone (but smaller), where will be present the Point Cloud Depth Camera, the technology of 3D recognition of the well-known Chinese smartphone manufacturer, Huawei. Moreover, the well-known Chinese smartphone manufacturer Huawei continues its commitment to strengthen its position in the market. After gaining the position of the third largest manufacturer of smartphones in the world, the Chinese brand is now preparing for the second-place assault by the tech giant Apple, although it will keep its eyes on the top spot, which it has already announced it intends to conquer soon. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.